Cast & Crew
Rebecca Reardon as ERIN

The dreamer of the group, Erin finds it far easier to adapt to this new world than the others do. Her extensive reading gives her insight into the motives of people and races, while her compassion makes her the heart of the team. However, her sunny disposition is not to be underestimated, it's wrapped around a backbone of steel.
A fellow filmmaker, Rebecca (or Becca, as she's known on set,) jumped at the chance to act in the series. Thrown into the shoot with little time to prepare, she has acquitted herself admirably. A current student at East Linn Christin Academy, Becca fills her spare time with gymnastics, piano, and making film shorts. She also has a penchant for graphic design and photography. She plans to continue in the film industry, and maybe become a director herself one day.
A fellow filmmaker, Rebecca (or Becca, as she's known on set,) jumped at the chance to act in the series. Thrown into the shoot with little time to prepare, she has acquitted herself admirably. A current student at East Linn Christin Academy, Becca fills her spare time with gymnastics, piano, and making film shorts. She also has a penchant for graphic design and photography. She plans to continue in the film industry, and maybe become a director herself one day.
Zoe Alley as Kate

Kate is the practical one in the group. She is dedicated to many good social causes, but is sometimes blind to the needs of those right in front of her. Of the three, she feels most out of place in this new world. From day one it has been her goal to find a way home, and when an opportunity presents itself, she's not about to let it go. But at what cost? Only time will tell.
Zoe is probably our most experienced member, having been involved in such plays as Excalibur!, High School Musical, and A Christmas Carol since she was ten years old. She brings a distinctly likeable personality to a character who would otherwise seem a bit self-centered. Zoe's fascination with people has led to her interests in reading, writing, and acting; as well as music, art, dance, and linguistics; all expressions of humanity. Consequently, this has led her to pursue her associates degree in Psychology, with a eye toward her masters or doctorate.
Zoe is probably our most experienced member, having been involved in such plays as Excalibur!, High School Musical, and A Christmas Carol since she was ten years old. She brings a distinctly likeable personality to a character who would otherwise seem a bit self-centered. Zoe's fascination with people has led to her interests in reading, writing, and acting; as well as music, art, dance, and linguistics; all expressions of humanity. Consequently, this has led her to pursue her associates degree in Psychology, with a eye toward her masters or doctorate.
Elijah DeVyldere as Mike

Mike, a mute with a mysterious past and an equally odd sense of humor. He is prone to strange fits, but despite that he will time and again put himself in the line of fire to protect his friends. Out of the three from Earth, he is the one who seems the most accustomed to blood and violence, and you can't help but think that maybe he's been here before...
Elijah, for having little to no prior acting experience, really understands the part of Mike. Perhaps being part of a family with thirteen kids helps, His eclectic melange of hobbies and interests can't hurt either. When asked, he responded in a way befitting Mike; laconic, but precise. His hobbies include wrestling, jogging, backpacking, soccer, football, airsoft, ultimate frisbee, and ukelele, with interest in guitar, Stratego, mixed martial arts, acting, and reading. His more martial hobbies make him a good match for Mike, who is by far the most physical member of the team.
Elijah, for having little to no prior acting experience, really understands the part of Mike. Perhaps being part of a family with thirteen kids helps, His eclectic melange of hobbies and interests can't hurt either. When asked, he responded in a way befitting Mike; laconic, but precise. His hobbies include wrestling, jogging, backpacking, soccer, football, airsoft, ultimate frisbee, and ukelele, with interest in guitar, Stratego, mixed martial arts, acting, and reading. His more martial hobbies make him a good match for Mike, who is by far the most physical member of the team.
Paris Alley as Gwynmareth

Gwynmareth (aka. "Gwyn") is elven royalty, daughter of Lord Cylavar. Or would have been, before the war shattered their family. She is a princess born in exile, a noble heritage linked to the life of a hated fugitive. She carries a grim destiny, her name means "known death," but she does so with the dignity becoming her birthright. She determines to leave a legacy; no matter how short her life may be, the world-realm will remember her passing.
Paris enjoys singing, gaming, writing, and "occasionally acting." If signing up for a three season stint counts as "occasionally"... She has acted in multiple stage productions at the Majestic Theater in Corvallis, one musical in the Albany Civic Theater, as well as dabbled in home film productions. She has been home-schooled her entire life, and is currently taking private German lessons. Her plans for the future include more of the same... and perhaps eventually world domination.
Paris enjoys singing, gaming, writing, and "occasionally acting." If signing up for a three season stint counts as "occasionally"... She has acted in multiple stage productions at the Majestic Theater in Corvallis, one musical in the Albany Civic Theater, as well as dabbled in home film productions. She has been home-schooled her entire life, and is currently taking private German lessons. Her plans for the future include more of the same... and perhaps eventually world domination.
Other credits are as follows:
Lord Iallafan- Jon Brewer
Cylavar- Trevor Owen
Gref- Silas Hart
Anelryn- Catherine Brewer
Aurbren- Justin Doutrich
Morrigan- Constance Hardy
Savara- Bethany Brewer
Old Crone- Elizabeth Staneart
Man 1- Galen Molk
Bandit Leader/Smith- David Brewer
Meor- Nathan Kinkade
Herald- Keith Staneart
Keith Staneart
Joe Staneart
Elizabeth Staneart
Chad Staneart
Zachary Brewer
David Brewer
Christopher Hamilton
David Hamilton
Nathan Kinkade
Jon Brewer- Writer/ Director/ Editor/ Compositor
Catherine Brewer- Sound/ CGI/ Leatherworking
Alyssa Ruisbroek- Lighting/ Grip
David Hamilton- Music
Dallas Griffith- Weapons/ Metalworking
Joe Staneart- Set Construction
Deborah Brewer- Costuming
Bethany Brewer- 2nd Camera/ 1st AD
Thanks to-
Brian and Linda Brewer
Dave and Sandy Stone
Randy and Tonya Roth
The Darling/ Staley Family Farm
“Granny and Grandpa” Staneart
Lord Iallafan- Jon Brewer
Cylavar- Trevor Owen
Gref- Silas Hart
Anelryn- Catherine Brewer
Aurbren- Justin Doutrich
Morrigan- Constance Hardy
Savara- Bethany Brewer
Old Crone- Elizabeth Staneart
Man 1- Galen Molk
Bandit Leader/Smith- David Brewer
Meor- Nathan Kinkade
Herald- Keith Staneart
Keith Staneart
Joe Staneart
Elizabeth Staneart
Chad Staneart
Zachary Brewer
David Brewer
Christopher Hamilton
David Hamilton
Nathan Kinkade
Jon Brewer- Writer/ Director/ Editor/ Compositor
Catherine Brewer- Sound/ CGI/ Leatherworking
Alyssa Ruisbroek- Lighting/ Grip
David Hamilton- Music
Dallas Griffith- Weapons/ Metalworking
Joe Staneart- Set Construction
Deborah Brewer- Costuming
Bethany Brewer- 2nd Camera/ 1st AD
Thanks to-
Brian and Linda Brewer
Dave and Sandy Stone
Randy and Tonya Roth
The Darling/ Staley Family Farm
“Granny and Grandpa” Staneart