So I'm a bit tired this morning. Why? Well, last night we broke in some of our new actors doing an o'dark hundred test shoot. In spite of the late hour, the collective energy remained high, with people randomly breaking into song and/or dance. As per Murphy's law, the normally quiet road behind the actors was suddenly bustling with activity, leading to takes that went something like this: "Three, two, CAR!" *sigh* Wait a couple minutes... "Okay, take thirteen, attempt two. Three, two..."
Earlier that day, we ran through several scenes, and cast Paris' ears in preparation for sculpting the elven tips. After that, we adjourned to the shop so we could run through a pivotal scene and the ensuing fight. The process was intricate, but the results were well worth the effort.
Monday we finished Savara's armor (minus some of the grommets,) so pictures of that will be forthcoming. Sunday the stunt team met, but this time the focus was on fighting like the races of Aarde. Below you can see examples of:




...and early Hashurun.
...To name but a few. All in all a good week. Well, we're downloading the footage now, I'm off to see the wizard, (fine, Adobe AE.)