Um... yeah. Okay, so maybe I jumped the gun there. The first meeting of the stunt team for Gatewalkers was a bit quieter then normal, but productive nonetheless. We ran over what scenes we would need to choreograph, and the logistics of making them happen. Our hostess was most helpful in the latter aspect. Most of the team consists of returning veterans from our previous projects, so I have high hopes that we will surpass our previous endeavors.
Savara's armor is coming together, quite literally. The leather has been dyed a deep burgundy, making for a very striking contrast with the rest of the costume. Other little pieces are falling into place, but those will be the subject of another blog, (once they take a more concrete form.)
Until next time!
Savara's armor is coming together, quite literally. The leather has been dyed a deep burgundy, making for a very striking contrast with the rest of the costume. Other little pieces are falling into place, but those will be the subject of another blog, (once they take a more concrete form.)
Until next time!